The most useful, informative and friendly service I ever had living abroad. Many thanks.
Buone vacanze e in bocca al lupo
The most useful, informative and friendly service I ever had living abroad. Many thanks.
Buone vacanze e in bocca al lupo
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Hello Katerina:
Just a quick note to thank you for all your help while we were in Greece.
All the guides in Delfi, Crete and Athens, were fantastic and they made the archaeological sites really come alive for us all. I don’t think my kids will ever forget it.
We will look forward to seeing you all again when we are next in Greece – and the sooner the better for that.
Thanks Again
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Hi Katerina,
I just wanted to thank you for the tour you gave my parents recently while they were in Athens. They had a really interesting afternoon and will be much more knowledgable about Athens than they were thanks to your informative touring!
Hope to see you again or send more friends your way for nice company and a shared walk.
Tina W.
Saved by access to good information. The strike updates are simply essential. Cannot thank you enough !
Es ist wunderbar dass Ihr so intensiv fuer uns allen
arbeitet, muehelos und mit der gleichen Qualitaet!
Nochmals vielen Dank und ein Gesundes, liebevoles und erfolgreiches 2012!
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Hi Katerina,
We can’t thank you enough for helping us set up our day in Delphi. Vicki was a super guide-really just the perfect mix of details, stories, tone etc. We also enjoyed lunch at Bacchus.
Thanks again for making our trip so memorable.
Pat and Robin
We have spent just 1 day in Athens (unfortunately) but Katerina, Aris and our guide Lilly made this day unforgetable. They took care of us and made us to fall in love with Athens from the first sight. Their services are first class and they are very nice and warm-hearted people passionate about their country and job. We would highly recommend them to anyone be it short visitors or long stayers. BIG THANK YOU!!!
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Thank you very much for keeping us informed, Katerina.
It is a great help and I enjoyed reading about Nostalgia.
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Αγαπητή Κατερίνα και αγαπητέ Άρη ,
Ομολογώ πως εντυπωσιάστηκα με το livin-lovin καθώς δεν ήξερα ότι υπάρχει τέτοιου είδους υπηρεσία στην Ελλάδα. Η ιστοσελίδα σας είναι άκρως ενημερωτική. Θεωρώ πως στην δύσκολη περίοδο που διανύουμε τελείτε κοινωνικό έργο και προβάλετε προς τα έξω την άλλη Ελλάδα, την όμορφη.
Keep up the good work !!!!!!
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This service provided by livinlovin is extremely useful, especially for foreigners. Keep up the good work!
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I love the website. It was much needed for all of us Greeksomethings that live in Athens.
Well Done!
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Laiki Visit
Dear Katerina
I so enjoyed being taken around the local laiki by you. The jovial interactions with
the stall owners with lots of loud exclamations on both sides, usually ending with
you taking a sample of their produce for us to taste and you to comment on, made
me feel that I was experiencing a part of Greece that would otherwise be closed to
You took every opportunity to teach me the Greek names of the colourful heaps of
fruit and vegetables and tell me about which sun drenched (or windy) island they
come from. You demonstrated how to test the cabbage for freshness – it has to taste
sweet when eaten raw – showed me which tangerines have the ‘real’ flavour (the
original ones, with pips) and told me the legend of Persephone as we stood by a
stall displaying opened pomegranates with juicy red seeds spilling out.
Entering into the bustling chaos of shouts, colours and smells of the laiki once a
week has become one of my favourite Greek activities – thanks to you.
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“Great website! I have discovered all kinds of thing through your hard work!”
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Chère Katerina,
On vous remercie pour une superbe expérience pendant le tour que vous avez organisé pour nous à Athènes. Comme on s’intéresse a votre proposition concernant le tour a Epirus (Zigorohlooria ????) on vous prie de nous envoyer une proposition d’itinéraire quand ça serait possible.
Amicalement, Jean Claude
Ich wuenschte dass so viele wie moeglich dass erleben wuerden wie wir in Epidaurus und Nauplion!!!
Dazu die so interessante und nette neue Bekantschaften!
Ein Grosses Dankeschoen!
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Dear Katerina and Aris
I would like to thank you for all your assistance to my parents during their trip to Santorini. They returned to Vienna very excited and the couldn’t stop telling us stories from their wonderful vacation and your excellent recommendations.
Many many thanks again, as always your ideas and assistance was truly valuable!
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Katerina, Aris
Thank you very much for the wonderful trip you organised for our family in Northern Greece!!!
We are planning a weekend in Evia with 2 families/friends in middle June .
Ich wuensche Euch ein glueckliches und erfolgreiches 2010. Der Aussflug in Nord Evia war fantastisch!!! Wir haben die winterliche Landschaft genossen und die Abwechslung zwischen Berg und Meer war traumhaft. Im Sommer werden wir die Reise wiedercholen und fuer laengere Zeit. Nochmals vielen Dank fuer die so nueztliche Empfehlungen!!
Love your website. I had the pleasure of taking private Greek lessons twice a week for almost 3 year. I loved every single lesson. Katerina is a great teacher, a wonderful person and a knowledgeable resource for everything you ever wanted to know about Greece, its people and its culture.
Ich moechte mich sehr bedanken fuer den persoenlichen Kontakt und die diskrete Beratung. Ihre Vorschlaege waren sehr hilfreich und wir haben unsere neue Erlebnisse genossen. Machen Sie weiter so, Sie werden gebraucht!!!
You are the best!
You offer invaluable services.
Living and Loving ‘it’ thanks to you….
Site très intéressant que je conserve dans mes “favoris”. Je vais le conseiller à mes amies françaises habitant Athènes !
Merci à l’équipe de livinloving.
Thanks for your profound information about things to do or places to go to in Greece. Makes my life way easier..!!!
Love the web-site! You can find all that needed stuff about Greece! As an Expat I truly recommend it to all other expats and beyond. Take care, Dzamil