Last Friday we did something that you would all have liked, we think. We went to the centre to look for books, books of Greek literature translated into other languages. To find them, we went to the centre-centre, the most central part of Athens which, for many of you, is totally unknown. We feel that the centre of all cities is the place to go if you want to really touch its heart, hear its pulse, and fill your eyes with its colours. And, of course, if you want to find things that you have never thought you could find. That said, you have guessed that we love the centre and we also love showing people around. That’s what we did on Friday and we enjoyed it. There are lovely bookstores with excellent books translated into English, German, Spanish, French etc. Our friends get special prices if they mention Livin’Lovin’. After the long walk, we sat down at a café and enjoyed a (huge!!!) cup of coffee.
Hope you join us next time!