Strikes & Work stoppages in Greece UPDATED!


You can be sure you’ll get the most updated and to the last minute information


Before publishing any announcement about strikes in Greece and sending you the updates, we refer 24/7 to all the official media, news agencies, transportation sites, union websites/announcements, Greek and English speaking newspapers, major television and radio news, always double checking each announcement so that you get the most reliable, accurate  and to the last minute updated information.

As this is changing rapidly and several times during a day, please check the announcements constantly on our website: You can also like our Official Page on Facebook:, or Follow us: on Twitter to be sure you’ll get all the information needed.

We have to give credits to:,,,,,, these in Greek),

and (in English), TV news agencies megaTV and skai TV, major radio stations like Skai radio, Athina 9,84, Real FM and Vima FM, Internet websites: for which we get all transpotation news, and (all in Greek), and many more.


METRO & SUBURBAN (Proastiakos) MAP




LATEST UPDATE: 30/04/24, @ 20:00 Strikes on MAY 1st,  2024 

So far, the following Unions have announced their participation
* METRO Blue & Red Lines, will be working from 09:30 to 16:30
* The Metro itineraries to and from the Athens Airport will be running from 
09:30 to 16:30
* Electric Railways Green Line: will be working from 09:30 to 16:30
* Syntagma Metro Station will be closed form 09:30 in the morning by the police, 
until further notice.
* the TRAM:  will be working from 09:00 to 21:00
* Hellenic Train, National Railways OSE : 24- hour strike
* The Suburban Railways (Proastiakos): will participate in the  24 – hour strike, BUT
some of the itineraries to/from the Athens Airport will run as usual.


Itineraries as announced on Athens Transport .gr

  • 1206 Piraeus to Airport 06:44
  • 1222 Piraeus to Airport 14:44
  • 1230 Piraeus to Airport 18:44
  • 1207 Airport to Piraeus 08:07
  • 1223 Airport to Piraeus 16:07
  • 1231 Airport to Piraeus 20:07
  • The Buses will be working from 09:00 to 21:00
  • EXPRESS BUSES (X Buses) TO ATHENS AIRPORT: the express buses to the Athens Airport are also affected, and will be running from 09:00 to 21:00 like the Blue Buses
  • TAXIS: Work stoppage from 05:00 in the morning until 15:00 in the afternoon
  • The Trolley Buses: will be working from 09:00 to 21:00
* PNO (Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation): 24-hour strike. All ships will stay docked.
* * GSEE (Private Sector Workers Union): 24- hour strike
* ADEDY (Public Sector Workers Union):  24 – Hour strike
That affects you if you have dealings with: tax offices, court houses, post offices, public schools, state hospital doctors, Citizens’ Information Centre (KEP), OAED, etc, or if you are planning to visit a  Public-run museum. (not all of them), private museums (NAM, Benaki, etc), unaffected.
* EINAP (Panhellenic Union of Public Hospital Doctors): 24-hour strike
* ESIEA (Athens Journalists Union): will strike on Tuesday 16/04 
*EEEKE(Air Traffic Controllers’ Association of Greece):   24-hour strike 

Customers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN and Olympic Air or by calling:

From Greece: 801 11 20000
From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 6261000

From Greece: 801 801 0101
From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 3550500

info: 8018010101 (if you are calling from α landline) and +302103550500 (if you are calling from α cell phone or from abroad) click on: YOUR AIRLINE

​* B​USES: The Buses will be running from 09:00 to 21:00. (work stoppage will start from the beginning of the shift to 09:00am, and from 21:00 to the end of the shift. 
(*)Bear in mind thatTrainsBuses and Trolleys will begin withdrawing from service at least half an hour earlier and will not be back in service until (at least) half an hour after the end of strike/ work stoppage

EXPRESS (X) BUSES TO ATHENS AIRPORT: During the Blue Buses strike, all buses – including the Express Buses to/from the Athens Airport – are affected.

​* EINAP (Panhellenic Union of Public Hospital Doctors):  24-hour strike

​* POEDIN (Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Workers):  24-hour strike

​* OMYLE (Port Employees Union & Dock Workers Union):  24-hour strike

OLME (Federation of Secondary education State School  Teachers):​  24-hour strike

Please check out the “Strikes Day by Day” section further down for details.



 Please contact Aegean Air at:  Reservations: 801-1120000, 210-6261000
Airport: 210-3530101, 210-3534289-– 92  

Customers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN and Olympic Air or by calling:

From Greece: 801 11 20000
From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 6261000

From Greece: 801 801 0101
From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 3550500

info: 8018010101 (if you are calling from α landline) and +302103550500 (if you are calling from α cell phone or from abroad) click on: YOUR AIRLINE


  • Our website and Facebook Page will be constantly updated as more information comes in. 


TRAINOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization) & SUBURBAN (Proastiakos) MAP:



Alternatively to/from the Athens Airport you can use: LINK

The Suburban Railway


As an alternative to/from the Athens Airport you can use the X-Buses Click HERE for the timetable, itineraries and info. 


Or TAXIS Click for the Official ATHENS AIRPORT TAXI Website (all fares, itineraries, durations, etc)


Bear in mind 1. that the EXPRESS (X) BUSES TO ATHENS AIRPORT:

  During the Blue Buses strike, all buses (including the Express Buses to/from the Athens Airport) are affected. A 24- hour strike is from 00:01 to 00:59 


Bear in mind 2. that in case of a strike of the OSE & PROASTIAKOS (Suburban) trains the Metro Blue Line 3 goes as far as Doukissis Plakendias metro station and NOT to the Athens International Airport. 


Bare in Mind 3. In case of a strike of the Suburban Railways, you can use the X-Buses to/from the Athens Airport. Click HERE for info. 

You can be sure you get the most reliable, accurate  and to the last minute updated information.


Alternatively to/from the Athens Airport you can use Click on the link:

How to transfer between the Athens Airport – Piraeus port – and the city

Credits to:


Athens Transport information in English


You can be sure you’ll get the most updated and to the last minute information



Please check out “Day by Day” section below. Info will be updated as soon as it comes out

Many thanks to Athens Transport – Μέσα Μαζικής Μεταφοράς της Αθήνας for the info during 2017, and we are looking forward to their contribution in the NEW YEAR !!!


In case of a strike of the EEEKE (Air Traffic Controllers’ Association of Greece_),

customers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN and Olympic Air or by calling:

From Greece: 801 11 20000
From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 6261000

From Greece: 801 801 0101
From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 3550500

info: 8018010101 (if you are calling from α landline) and +302103550500 (if you are calling from α cell phone or from abroad) click on: YOUR AIRLINE







For INFO about how to get to and from the Athens Airport (including X BUSES), to Athens centre, to Piraeus, etc CLICK HERE.


INFO about the X BUSES to /from the airport, routes, timetables etc, click on: Athens Airport Bus



  During the Blue Buses strike, all buses (including the Express Buses to the Athens Airport) are affected.


(*) Bear in mind that in case of a strike of the OSE & PROASTIAKOS (Suburban) trains the Metro Blue Line 3 goes as far as Doukissis Plakendias metro station and NOT to the Athens International Airport. Click on the link:


(**)Bear in mind that TrainsBuses and Trolleys will begin withdrawing from service at least one hour earlier and will not be back in service until (at least) an hour after the end of strike/ work stoppage



FYI:  during the Blue Buses work stoppage or strike, all buses (including the Express X-Buses to the Athens Airport) are affected.



(as announced) 

 M O N D A Y  03/04/23


TAXIS: working as usual 

am5 (1)ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): working as usual

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green line): working as usual

BLUE BUSES:    work stoppage from 11:00 to 16:00

Bear in mind EXPRESS (X) BUSES TO ATHENS AIRPORT: During the Blue Buses strike, all buses – including the Express Buses to/from the Athens Airport – are affected.

TROLLEY BUSES:  work stoppage from 11:00 to 16:00

TRAM: working as usual

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization): working as usual


T U E S D A Y  04/04/23


TAXIS: working as usual 

am5 (1)ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): (lines 2 and 3): 24 – hour strike.

        NO METRO connection with the Athens Airport.

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green line) 24 – hour strike

BLUE BUSES:   working as usual

TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual

TRAM: 24 – hour strike

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization):  working as usual


W E D N E S D A Y  05/04/23


taxi12TAXIS: working as usual

ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): working as usual

 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS(Green line)working as usual

BLUE BUSES: working as usual

TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual

TRAM: working as usual

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban) & Train-OSE (Hellenic Railways Organization):  working as usual

T H U R S D A Y  06/04/23


TAXIS: will be working as usual.

ATTIKO METRO (Line 3 Blue & 2 Red ):   will be working as usual

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green Line 1): will be working as usual

BLUE BUSESwill be working as usual

TROLLEY BUSESwill be working as usual

TRAMwill be working as usual

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization):        will be working as usual


F R I D A Y  07/04/23


TAXIS: will be working as usual

ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): will be working as usual

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green Line): working as usual

BLUE BUSES: will be working as usual  

TROLLEY BUSES:  will be working as usual 

TRAM: working as usual

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization):

working as usual



S A T U R D A Y  08/04/23


TAXIS: working as usual 

am5 (1)ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): working as usual

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green line): working as usual

BLUE BUSES: working as usual

TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual

TRAM: working as usual

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization): working as usual



S U N D A Y  09/04/23


TAXIS: working as usual 

am5 (1)ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): working as usual

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green line): working as usual

BLUE BUSES: working as usual

TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual

TRAM: working as usual

PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization): working as usual



Airport EXPRESS Bus Connections

To and from the Athens International Airport


Greece Launches 112 Emergency Number


Greece’s General Secretariat for Civil Protection launched this week the single European emergency 112 phone number, which operates on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week and aims to warn residents and visitors of potential dangers, including wildfires.

Currently in pilot phase operating out of two crisis management centers, the European emergency number program will run through to year’s end via SMS messaging with authorities set to announce its full implementation – to also include Advanced Mobile Location (AML) technology to receive location information from mobile phones (already in application elsewhere in Europe) – in the coming period.

At the same time, the Civil Protection authority will be launching an awareness-raising campaign on ways to link up via app to the warning HQs.

Hundreds of visitors to Greece and locals received warning messages over the weekend in view of high risk of forest fires.

It should be noted that citizens and visitors can and should call (for free) 112 for help or in case of emergency as well as to report fires.

The 112 number can be dialed for free in any EU country to contact emergency services.

Speaking on SKAI television, Digital Governance Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis confirmed that the 112 program will be finalized and in full application by the beginning of next year, adding that once completed it will be able to send messages to all phones. Currently, the system cannot offer Cell Broadcast – ie sending messages to multiple mobile telephone users in a defined area at the same time.


Commentaires de nos amis Francophones

Merci beaucoup pour cette très belle journée.
Nous sommes sur les genoux mais le cœur plein de bonheur et de très bons souvenirs.
Si tous les Grecs sont comme vous, gentils, souriants et évidemment très professionnels, votre pays doit être un avant goût des champs Élysées
Muriel, Mario, Andrea, Rafaele et Antonella


Merci beaucoup Katerina pour cette journée magique. Tu nous as fait découvrir des endroits magnifiques, et partager ton amour pour cette belle ville d Athènes. Bonne continuation. Jerome


Catherine parle d’or. L’histoire n’est plus. On vit avec elle le passé au présent et le présent au
passé : des heures anciennes au siècle de Périclès, puis des passages des romains aux
ambitions d’Hadrien, des siècles où Athènes s’endort à ceux où elle se rebiffe, des années où
on l’humilie à celles où elle se reconstruit. On suit Catherine en pleine confiance dans les
ruelles qui remontent vers les murailles : en pénétrant les jardins secrets et les maisons
modestes des bâtisseurs du quartier de Plaka ; en apostrophant les moines souriants d’un
minuscule couvent caché sous les figuiers ; en débusquant au coin des rues et au pied des
murs fresques et pierres oubliées de la grande histoire ; en distinguant les musiques grecques
les unes des autres. On en oublie la grande ville blanche qui s’étire à nos pieds jusqu’à la mer.
Le charme que Catherine veut et arrive à nous faire partager, c’est le charme de l’inattendu, du
paradoxal. Quelque chose de différent du codé et de l’organisé. Quelque chose qui a la logique
de l’illogique : celle d’une démocratie qui se construit en 1830 par exemple en demandant un roi
pour la mettre en œuvre, celle de répondre à l’urgence en optant pour le temps long, celle de
dire oui en affichant un geste de dénégation, celle de donner à un chocolat le nom d’un tyran :Leonidas



Κaterina est une guide super accueillante avec une jolie de vivre incroyable!!! Elle nous a fait découvrir athenes sous un angle de vue incroyable!!! culture, gastronomie, lifestyle, tout était parfait! Elle a su trouver la visite à la mesure de nos deux familles tant pour les adultes que pour les enfants!!! merci pour tout! nous recommandons à 100%!!! une très belle personne de surcroît!…



Katerina est une guide hors norme. Particulièrement cultivée et si passionnée. Nous avons adoré la journee passée avec elle hors des sentiers battus. Avons eu l’impression de passer la journée avec une personne de la famille. Une seule envie, revenir à Athènes pour passer plus de temps avec elle. Thanks katerina. Hope To see you again soon. Judy et beatrice


Katarina a été adorable avec les enfants. Elle a su s adapter aux âges des 5 enfants lors de la visite de la ville et lors de la visite du musée.
Katarina ponctue son discours d anecdotes rendant la visite dynamique et plaisante pour tous les âges. Elle nous a fait goûter des spécialités adorables.
Merci beaucoup pour votre gentillesse.
Mélaine et la famille.
Bonjour Catharina,
Je me fais l’écho des réaction des 15 personnes de mon groupe: tous étaient très satisfaits de leur séjour en Grèce,ils ont beaucoup appréciés le programme et l’organisations des visites des sites archéologiques.
 Votre disponibilité ,votre sens de l’organisation,votre connaissance de la ville, mais aussi votre personnalité attachante, enthousiaste chaleureuse ont largement contribué à la réussite de notre visite découverte d’Athènes.
  Je suis rentré en France avec le désir de retourner en Grèce et je suis prés à recommander votre organisme à toute personne qui souhaite visiter la ville avec un petit groupe.
J’aurai grand plaisir à vous rencontre à nouveau soit à Athènes, soit si vous veniez en visite dans l”Est de  la France.
Cordialement, Christian
Salut Katerina,
Un grand merci de la part de toute la famille pour cette supere journée;)
C était une chance pour nous de passer ce moment avec toi et ton amour d’Athenes.
Merci pour le cadeau
“Partagez notre amour pour Athènes”
Un superbe petit tour dans le vieux Athènes avec Katherina qui nous a livrée tous ses secrets et nous a fait découvrir des petits recoins admirables et originaux.
Un grand merci Patrick & Sonia

Bonjour Angélique,

Toute la famille se joint à moi pour vous remercier encore pour cette superbe visite hier.
Nous avons tous apprécié vos connaissances et votre enthousiasme à les faire partager.
Remerciez également Dimitri qui nous a véhiculé dans tous les sites d’Athene(s) que nous n’avions pas encore vus.
Nul doute que nous vous recommanderons à nos amis s’ils ont l’occasion de passer par la Grèce.
A bientôt pour de nouvelles questions.
Une bise de tous.
Dominique et la famille

Grand merci pour cette visite hier très instructive et familiale

Je vous souhaite à vous et votre famille beaucoup de bonheur
Amicalement , Dominique

Bonjour Katerina

Nous aussi, nous avons passé une excellente journée en votre compagnie.
Vous avez été une guide attentionnée,
Souriante et convaincante. Vous avez su nous faire partager l’amour pour votre pays et toutes ses saveurs. Nous avons passé 8 h en votre compagnie et nous avons à peine eu le temps de nous en rendre compte.
Nous essaierons en fonction du wifi de vous donner de temps à autres nouvelles et photos.
Nous vous embrassons
Jean=Marie et ses amis
“Partagez notre amour pour Athènes”
Notre tour “Partagez notre amour pour Athènes” est très prisé chez nos clients, leurs proches, amis ou invités. 
C’est un peu de tout: histoire, mythologie, architecture, dégustation de préparations locales, tradition grecque, l’Athènes d’ aujourd’hui, du shopping etc.
Ça se passe au centre historique d’ Athènes, à Plaka, à Psiri, à Monastiraki et les quartiers autour avec leurs petits secrets, leurs monuments et vues uniques, leurs petites chapelles et bien sûr on se régale en goûtant des spécialités locales dans le vieux marché…
On s’amuse à faire de petites pauses pour un café ou un rafraîchissement, pour un snack, une dégustation ou déjeuner sur des terrasses-jardins et des lieux que peu connaissent.
Dans le prix ne sont pas inclus les cafés, les rafraîchissements, le repas ou le vin ou bien les entées aux sites qu’on visite.
Pour tout dire, c’est un tour coupé sur mesure, on s’ adapte alors, volontiers, aux intérêts, aux goûts, aux suggestions ou les préférences de nos groupes.

Reservez votre Tour maintenant sur

Planning a trip with us means …

We’ve been missing for some time now ! But please excuse us, as we are up to our ears in work planning trips from beginning to end, dealing with Bookings, City and Food Tours, Guided Tours, Cruises and Transfers, finding new Routes and trying to find the best for each an every one of you individually.

Our reward is the positive feedback we are getting and the two Embassies that started recommending us to their visitors !!!
You and your family, relatives, loved ones, and friends, deserve the best !!!
Book your vacation, trip, excursion, weekend now !!! 




As the first whole trips we planned have come to and end, this is the feedback we are getting:


“Hola Katerina and Aristotelis
Katerina and Aristotelis were recommended to our family to plan our holiday in Greece.  We traveled to Athens because it was our son’s dream vacation. Since our initial email we received precise and timely information on places to visit based on our request. Katerina and Aristotelis took personal ownership and treated us as family.  From the “Sharing the Athens we Love” Walking Tour in Athens, restaurants, and constant communication to make sure our needs were being met. The tour guides Katerina selected were wonderful, we are especially impressed with Ms. Angeliki who is a college professor and took us on a one on one walking tour to the Archeological Museum and the Acropolis.

The highlight of our holiday was the driver, Dimitri.  He took personal ownership and we especially appreciate the non-tourist locations (Planeterio & Lebadeia) and restaurants we visited.

It was a well-balanced schedule and there’s no way to beat our last day in Greece; a trip to the Poseidon Temple to enjoy another wonderful Greek sunset prior heading to the airport.  Thank you !”

Warm regards, Jeanne & Tom


“Dear Katerina & Aris, thank you so much for your superb service !!! I have never had such a relaxed land vacation !. ALL THE BEST,
Tina and Family”


“I have been meaning to email and send you a thank you – Toby, Gracie and Annabelle absolutely loved their trip to Athens. Even their teachers have said how they have returned so knowledgeable on Greek mythology!
Thank you again and again for your time. Juliana




Planning a trip with us, means we are in charge of the overall preparation, info, suggestions and bookings of your particular tailor made trip – no ready-made packages. Furthermore, we are always available from your arrival to your departure, to assist you, solve any problems that might arise and help you make your holiday a memorable one. Needless to say that we will always be one step ahead to check out everything is running as planned, and ready to adapt to any unforeseen changes, making sure your holiday will be your best ever !






Walking Tour and a Sing Song in Athens


Walking Tour In Athens


Although I have lived in Athens for nearly 4 months now, I know that I have barely scratched the surface in terms of what there is to see and do. Certainly, my current series on museums in Athens is helping me to see one side of it, but finding the time to work, blog, and get out and about more is a difficult balancing act. Except when you can go on a tour with the Travel Bloggers Greece group though – then you get to do it all at once, with huge doses of pleasure as well!
The walking tour in Athens was organised by Katerina and Aristotelis of Livin Lovin, who cater to a predominantly ex-pat clientele. Starting off at the Acropolis metro, we strolled through some side streets, stopping off at a few interesting places, until we got to our ‘surprise’…

text & photo source/read more: via:



Katerina Tsitsipi, Aristotelis Makris
 Contact us @:
Land Line +0030 210-8077073
Cell: (+0030) 6988 607866
Cell: (+0030) 6980 120978
Connect with us:

“A family vacation that will go down as our favorite vacation ever”

This trip was for our daughter’s 16th birthday. When we reached out to our Livin’ Lovin’ we gave them a list of things our daughter (huge Greek mythology fan) wanted to see and do and then asked for recommendations to make it happen.



We have a 16 and 12 year old children and any family that has traveled overseas knows that after the 2nd or 3rd day looking at sites the kids really just want to go to the beach or the pool. Never once did our kids ask for either and I have to contribute this to our guides.



Our guides (Xenia in Athens, Georgia in Delphi, and Sofia in Peloponnese), were there waiting for us at the met up time and were so patient with our kids. Our son asked question after question and each time a question was asked it was answered with a high level energy that our son kept looking for more questions to ask. Our great guides asked the kids questions also to keep them engaged and when it came to telling the background stories of the Greek gods they looked to our daughter to tell the story and then praised her for her detailed explanation of each.



When our guides saw an interest in something they were showing from one of the children you saw them explain it further and in greater detail with pictures, books, and maps they brought with them.



Our “behind the scenes” tour of Athens was exactly the same. We wanted to see and do things outside a normal tourist would see so we could have a chance to “understand” Greece. The passion and pride Katerina showed when talking about the architect of the houses or how a specific area of the city was being reconstructed was intoxicating. She knew exactly where she was taking us and told her such small details about the history of paintings that were done on hidden on a staircase, how houses that were built into the mountain, and even how “street taggers” art was part of the city and made it special (ask her about a dog that was killed accidentally by police and the mural of him). 



The whole trip was with guides who were knowledgeable, engaging, empathic (when the kids needed a break out of the hot sun), and flexible. Every suggestion they made was spot on and they made not only our daughter’s 16th birthday special but a family vacation that will go down as our favorite vacation ever. 




makingAdifference #athens #greece #uponrequest #tailormade

#tripplanning #vacationplanning #familywithkids #guidedtours

#bestguides#licencedguides #private #grouptours #mythology

#sharingtheathenswelove#citytour #walkingtour #foodtours 

#sharingtheflavorswelove #onceinalifetime


Book your tailor made Tour now at:


Land Line: (+30) 210-8077073

Cell phone: (+30) 698 8607866 

WatsApp:  (+30) 698 8607866 

Viber:  (+30) 698 8607866


A weekend of touring

After a week of planning, e- mailing and meetings, a weekend of touring, meeting nice people, and giving our best.
Life is good !

On Saturday: “Sharing the Athens We Love” tour


On Sunday: A day trip to Cape Sounion and the Temple of Poseidon



Katerina Tsitsipi, Aristotelis Makris
 Contact us @:
Land Line +0030 210-8077073
Cell: (+0030) 6988 607866
Cell: (+0030) 6980 120978
Connect with us:





“Dear KaterinaAristotelis,
Thank you for organising wonderful holiday for Lalita and me. You were not only informative and so detailed but also thoughtful and ensuring our trip to Greece, even after we left Athens. Aris ensuring that we saw everything that was worth seeing in Hydra and Crete, and constantly keeping touch, made us feel special and was so very helpful.

Love you two so much ……

Highly recommend anyone travelling to Greece, take the walking tour with Katerina …. she will show you Athens in one afternoon that would otherwise take you days to discover and see …. and of course the very best of restaurants….”


Please allow me to inform you that except for activities, tours and events, we also help our clients with the whole planning (the coordination and with all the necessary bookings) of their trips from scratch, allowing them to enjoy their most relaxed, enjoyable and memorable vacation ever !!! All our tours and events are tailor made, adapted to each group’s interests, likes, needs, budget, time, even professions, as we do not have any ready prefabricated packages.
We always offer our clients the very good and value for money prices we manage to get, due to our long cooperation with all kinds of companies in our field (hotels, car rentals, guided tours, all kinds of transfers and for various other services).
What differentiates us from others is that except for the preparation planning, booking and coordinating your trip from scratch to every little detail, we will “accompany you” throughout your trip. We will always be available from the arrival to your departure to assist you, solve any problems that might arise, and will always be one step ahead to check out everything is running as planned, will be flexible and ready to adapt to any unforeseen changes ie weather, strikes, insuring your holiday will be a memorable one.







Easter for me has very specific smells that bring back memories from my childhood.

All that being said, I can confide in you that Easter smells of violets – understandable! -ammonia, that my mom used in Easter cookies to help them raise -NOT pleasant- and sour orange tree blossoms that bloomed in every neighbourhood,and still do.

 That’s about my Easters in Athens as a child.

Now let’s talk about YOUR Easter in Greece, or better, what we think your Easter in Greece should be like and what you should not miss.
CORFU is famous for having a very artistic and …musical Easter.
On Good Thursday and Good Friday you can attend the mass at the Cathedral – with an organ -, the bands go around the streets playing mournful music, and the procession of Epitafios through the little streets of the old town late in the evening give an air of mysticissm and sanctity. The hymns of Good Friday are my personal favourites!
All that until Saturday morning at 11, when people break pottery by throwing them from the windows, in an attempt to chase THE evil-which is not intimidated at all, as we can all see!!!!
CHIOS island and a lot more, like Kalymnos, are famous for the “rocket war”, a very fierce and loud firework throwing and battle between neighbourhoods.
 Very spectacular, very loud!
HYDRA, this very special island of Argosaronikos, is famous for putting the Epitafios into the sea in order to bless the sea water. Considering that Hydra was a naval society that depended on sea fares and trade, that makes perfect sense.
In the CYCLADES I have my personal favourites:
Paros, and more specifically the Epitafios in Marpissa and Santorini in Pyrgos, one of the most beautiful villages of the island, with the little lanterns on the slope of the rock that light up the whole place.
 What I like about Easter in Crete is -except for the food and the music and dancing that I adore – is the burning of Judas after the resurrection. One big dummy that represents Judas is placed on a bonfire-with a whistle in his…well, backside, and is burned after church with everyone celebrating and the whistle blowing.
Mmmmmm, interesting habit!
.A sweet place, quite near Athens, with small pebble beaches and mountain villages, with a very particular habit:
On Saturday, as soon as the priest announces the resurrection of Jesus -that’s midnight – the sky is filled with paper balloons of various colours that are made by the local people or neighbourhoods. Very spectacular!
The other areas celebrate Easter in their own ways, all very particular and all related to the local habits, customs and traditions. I cannot recommend only one place, there are too many! Remember that Easter is our most important Christian holiday.
So, find your own favourite place, go, enjoy, come back and tell us: