There’s a museum in Athens where you might not have been and not even know. It’s the Greek Folk Art Museum, which is situated in Plaka.The main building is at 17, Kydathineon str. Plaka and there are three annexes in the Tzami, the Baths of Athens, and the building of 22, Panos str. in Plaka. We personally love the exhibits of the main building because there you can see a rich collection of local costumes, about which we are planning to tell you more in due time. NO-ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY without having at least a vague idea about the amazing costumes that differ from one area to the other.
Anyway, if you call 2103229031 you will get all the info you need about the museum. The main building is open Tues.-Sun.9am-2pm.