Epidavros event: “a unique experience”

Dearest friends,

We came back on Saturday from a lovely 2-day trip to Epidavros and we would like to tell you about it, so that you make sure you join next time.

As we had already told you before, the plan was to prepare the play beforehand and this is what we did on Thursday evening. We had a little something to eat, we read-or better, role – played – Lysistrati, which was a very amusing and useful activity for a number of reasons: we got familiar with the play that we were going to see the following day; people got a chance to unfold talents we never thought they had – some of them are born actors-; and, last but not least, they met and got together with new people!

On Friday at around 17.00 we set off for Epidavros. It took nearly 2 hours, we had something to eat at the restaurant outside the theatre (very good food!) and then we went into the theatre and saw the play. We absolutely loved it and, having read it, it was a lot easier to follow. After the theatre we drove to Nafplio where we had booked a hotel to spend the night.

The next day we visited a photo exhibition with works of Fred Boissonas and saw photos of Greece at the beginning of the 20th century. Then we had delicious ice cream at one of the best ice cream parlors in Nafplio, we walked around the town, had our coffee by the sea, and after a small lunch, we drove back to Athens. We personally loved the trip and so did our friends. They said that it was a unique experience. We know one thing: we had the time of our lives and we are already planning our next event. We’ll let you know in due time! Try to make it this time!

Photos will follow

4 Replies to “Epidavros event: “a unique experience””

  1. We certainly will let you know ! The performing was in Greek, but we were well prepared !

  2. nice idea! let us know for the next!! ps: the performing was in greek or english?

  3. transferred by admin from “short comment”
    Submitted on 2010/07/25 at 9:55am

    Ich wuenschte dass so viele wie moeglich dass erleben wuerden wie wir in Epidaurus und Nauplion!!!
    Dazu die so interessante und nette neue Bekantschaften!
    Ein Grosses Dankeschoen!

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