You can be sure you’ll get the most updated and to the last minute information
Before publishing any announcement about strikes in Greece and sending you the updates, we refer 24/7 to all the official media, news agencies, transportation sites, union websites/announcements, Greek and English speaking newspapers, major television and radio news, always double checking each announcement so that you get the most reliable, accurate and to the last minute updated information.
As this is changing rapidly and several times during a day, please check the announcements constantly on our website: You can also like our Official Page on Facebook:, or Follow us: on Twitter to be sure you’ll get all the information needed.
LATEST UPDATE: 30/04/24, @ 20:00 Strikes on MAY 1st, 2024
So far, the following Unions have announced their participation
* METRO Blue & Red Lines, will be working from 09:30 to 16:30
* The Metro itineraries to and from the Athens Airport will be running from
09:30 to 16:30
* Electric Railways Green Line: will be working from 09:30 to 16:30
* Syntagma Metro Station will be closed form 09:30 in the morning by the police,
until further notice.
* the TRAM: will be working from 09:00 to 21:00
* Hellenic Train, National Railways OSE : 24- hour strike
* The Suburban Railways (Proastiakos): will participate in the 24 – hour strike, BUT
some of the itineraries to/from the Athens Airport will run as usual.
Itineraries as announced on Athens Transport .gr
1206 Piraeus to Airport 06:44
1222 Piraeus to Airport 14:44
1230 Piraeus to Airport 18:44
1207 Airport to Piraeus 08:07
1223 Airport to Piraeus 16:07
1231 Airport to Piraeus 20:07
The Buses will be working from 09:00 to 21:00
EXPRESS BUSES (X Buses) TO ATHENS AIRPORT: the express buses to the Athens Airport are also affected, and will be running from 09:00 to 21:00 like the Blue Buses
TAXIS: Work stoppage from 05:00 in the morning until 15:00 in the afternoon
The Trolley Buses: will be working from 09:00 to 21:00
* PNO (Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation): 24-hour strike. All ships will stay docked.
That affects you if you have dealings with: tax offices, court houses, post offices, public schools, state hospital doctors, Citizens’ Information Centre (KEP), OAED, etc, or if you are planning to visit a Public-run museum. (not all of them), private museums (NAM, Benaki, etc), unaffected.
* EINAP (Panhellenic Union of Public Hospital Doctors): 24-hour strike
* ESIEA (Athens Journalists Union): will strike on Tuesday 16/04
*EEEKE(Air Traffic Controllers’ Association of Greece): 24-hour strike
Customers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN and Olympic Air or by calling:
AEGEAN: From Greece: 801 11 20000 From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 6261000
OLYMPIC AIR: From Greece: 801 801 0101 From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 3550500
info: 8018010101 (if you are calling from α landline) and +302103550500 (if you are calling from α cell phone or from abroad) click on: YOUR AIRLINE
* BUSES: The Buses will be running from 09:00 to 21:00. (work stoppage will start from the beginning of the shift to 09:00am, and from 21:00 to the end of the shift.
(*)Bear in mind thatTrains, Buses and Trolleys will begin withdrawing from service at least half an hour earlier and will not be back in service until (at least) half an hour after the end of strike/ work stoppage
EXPRESS (X) BUSES TO ATHENS AIRPORT: During the Blue Buses strike, all buses – including the Express Buses to/from the Athens Airport – are affected.
* EINAP (Panhellenic Union of Public Hospital Doctors): 24-hour strike
* POEDIN (Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Workers): 24-hour strike
* OMYLE (Port Employees Union & Dock Workers Union): 24-hour strike
* OLME (Federation of Secondary education State School Teachers): 24-hour strike
Please check out the “Strikes Day by Day” section further down for details.
Customers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN and Olympic Air or by calling: AEGEAN: From Greece: 801 11 20000 From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 6261000
OLYMPIC AIR: From Greece: 801 801 0101 From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 3550500
info: 8018010101 (if you are calling from α landline) and +302103550500 (if you are calling from α cell phone or from abroad) click on: YOUR AIRLINE
Our website and Facebook Page will be constantly updated as more information comes in.
Alternatively to/from the Athens Airport you can use: LINK
The Suburban Railway
As an alternative to/from the Athens Airport you can use the X-Buses Click HERE for the timetable, itineraries and info.
Or TAXIS Click for the Official ATHENS AIRPORT TAXI Website (all fares, itineraries, durations, etc)
Bear in mind 1. that theEXPRESS (X)BUSES TO ATHENS AIRPORT:
During the Blue Buses strike, all buses (including the Express Buses to/from the Athens Airport)are affected. A 24- hour strike is from 00:01 to 00:59
Bear in mind 2. that in case of a strike of the OSE & PROASTIAKOS (Suburban) trains the Metro Blue Line 3 goes as far as Doukissis Plakendias metro station and NOT to the Athens International Airport.
Bare in Mind 3. In case of a strike of the Suburban Railways, you can use the X-Buses to/from the Athens Airport. Click HERE for info.
You can be sure you get the most reliable, accurate and to the last minute updated information.
Alternatively to/from the Athens Airport you can use Click on the link:
In case of a strike of the EEEKE (Air Traffic Controllers’ Association of Greece_),
customers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN and Olympic Air or by calling:
AEGEAN: From Greece: 801 11 20000 From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 6261000
OLYMPIC AIR: From Greece: 801 801 0101 From abroad or mobile: + 30 210 3550500
info: 8018010101 (if you are calling from α landline) and +302103550500 (if you are calling from α cell phone or from abroad) click on:YOUR AIRLINE
For INFO about how to get to and from the Athens Airport (including X BUSES), to Athens centre, to Piraeus, etc CLICK HERE.
INFO about the X BUSES to /from the airport, routes, timetables etc, click on: Athens Airport Bus
During the Blue Buses strike, all buses (including the Express Buses to the Athens Airport) are affected.
(*) Bear in mind that in case of a strike of the OSE & PROASTIAKOS (Suburban) trains the Metro Blue Line 3 goes as far as Doukissis Plakendias metro station and NOT to the Athens International Airport. Click on the link:
(**)Bear in mind thatTrains, Buses and Trolleys will begin withdrawing from service at least one hour earlier and will not be back in service until (at least) an hour after the end of strike/ work stoppage
FYI: during the Blue Buses work stoppage or strike, all buses (including the Express X-Buses to the Athens Airport) are affected.
(as announced)
M O N D A Y 03/04/23
TAXIS: working as usual
ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): working as usual
ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green line): working as usual
BLUE BUSES:work stoppage from 11:00 to 16:00
Bear in mindEXPRESS (X)BUSES TO ATHENS AIRPORT: During the Blue Buses strike, all buses – including the Express Buses to/from the Athens Airport –are affected.
TROLLEY BUSES:work stoppage from 11:00 to 16:00
TRAM: working as usual
PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization): working as usual
T U E S D A Y 04/04/23
TAXIS: working as usual
ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): (lines 2 and 3): 24 – hour strike.
NO METRO connection with the Athens Airport.
ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green line): 24 – hour strike
BLUE BUSES: working as usual
TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual
TRAM: 24 – hour strike
PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization): working as usual
W E D N E S D A Y 05/04/23
TAXIS: working as usual
ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): working as usual
ELECTRIC RAILWAYS(Green line): working as usual
BLUE BUSES: working as usual
TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual
TRAM:working as usual
PROASTIAKOS (Suburban) & Train-OSE (Hellenic Railways Organization):working as usual
T H U R S D A Y 06/04/23
TAXIS:will be working as usual.
ATTIKO METRO (Line 3 Blue & 2 Red ): will be working as usual
ELECTRIC RAILWAYS (Green Line 1): will be working as usual
BLUE BUSES: will be working as usual
TROLLEY BUSES: will be working as usual
TRAM: will be working as usual
PROASTIAKOS (Suburban), & TrainOSE (Hellenic Railways Organization): will be working as usual
F R I D A Y 07/04/23
TAXIS:will beworking as usual
ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines): will be working as usual
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